The Church of Nigeria is part of the
one,true God,Father, Son and Holy Spirit. She professes that faith
uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the
Catholic creeds,which...
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Some hints
from the Diocese. |
Since our last Synod,we have inaugurated four
Parishes-Chursh of the Holy Spirit Fegge, Church of sDivine of
Love MCC;St Barnabas Oze, and Our...read
more |
Our Mission
We salute all our workers in the Mission
Areas,for their dedication and resilence in the difficult
conditions in which they work. The Lord whom they serve so
faithfully will richly reward them...read
more |
Church of Nigeria's 1-1-3
Programme. The College of Bishops at their
retreat in this year, accepted the challenge that came out of
Standing Committee of September 2003 in Maiduguri...read
more |
Latest From Cathedral
1)The Cathedral hosts...more
2)The Cathedral Victory Hour presents...more
3)Cathedral opens her multi-million
now |

Cathedral Church of All Saints, Onitsha. (Front View)
The Cathedral of a lifetime.

Rt. Rev. K.S.E. Okeke.
(Bishop on the Niger)

“If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (Matt. 16:24b)
The Diocese on the
Niger, P.O.Box 42, Ozalla Rd, Onitsha, Anambra
state, Nigeria. Phone=+2348037386823. e-mail=office@diocese
on the niger.org